~* Harry Potter FanFiction *~

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Books, Movies and Beyond!

Yes. Just like everyone else in the world, I have crossed over to the darkside. I have started reading (and loving) the Harry Potter book series. *sigh* BUT! I only started reading them in 2005. So, that counts for something right? I mean, I held out for a long while there... *sigh*


Bouncing Baby Boy
At the end of July 1980 a baby boy was born.
OotP spoilers. PG

Books and Their Covers
There are to hide your face in the friendly pages of a book: Knowledge, interest, curiosity, fear - maybe it isn't fear so much as it's shame.
Hermione. Pre-Hogwarts G

Forever Young
It's not fair to watch youth fade in war.
Dumbledore. Song-fic PG

Perfect isn’t real. It’s not in the expectations, but in the reality.(Holiday Gift Fic #3 for Karen)
Ginny/Harry - Neville PG

We all just want to belong. (Holiday Gift Fic #5)
Regulus PG

Hermione's interest is purely intellectual discovery...she's sure of it.
Hermione/Luna PG

Remus deals in secrets, and Lily wants him to keep hers.
Remus/Lily, implied Sirius/Remus PG

Sticky Situation
The love of a friend.
Harry/Ron PG

The faces behind the masks were no longer faceless, twisted monsters; they were family.
Sirius-Regulus (non-slash) PG





The Vindication of Tom Riddle
They expect nothing from me.  (HBP) G

Free to Fly
We had all ended up in places we never expected, with people we never thought of. Watching as time passed.
Lucius/Bellatrix (whole series) PG-13

Less Than Ordinary: Petunia's Story
Some people fight to be ordinary, and it’s their noble cause. (whole series) PG
Breaking Point
Grief always takes on strange shapes. Gnarled, twisted versions of what used to be there. McGonagall. (OotP) PG

Peter has a Secret
They don't know the secrets that Wormtail holds. (MWPP/DH) PG


Under the Covers
A red and gold blanket, the silent-witness to a budding relationship.
Hogwarts Era, Remus/Sirius PG-13

That One Moment
As they first stare at each other, so many years later.
Remus/Sirius. Prisoner of Azkaban. Poem

100 Words to I Love You
A set of Remus and Sirius drabbles.
Up to Goblet of Fire PG

Suspended Animation
It's good to realise that you can't hold on to one moment forever. A Ficlet. 
Hogwarts Era PG

Sirius Black and How His Muggle Hoodie Became Uncomfortable
James may have his Invisibility cloak, but Sirius has a hooded Sweatshirt! Bad humour ensues. (Gift fic for Surfergirl17)
Hogwarts Era PG

One must remove wet clothes after being caught in the rain.(Holiday Fic Gift #1 for Erin)
MWPP Era PG-13/R

The Hardest Words
Those three words are the hardest, especially when you aren't worth them.
(Holiday Fic Gift #6 for Kat)
MWPP Era PG-13



Their Sad Eyes
 They all just keep staring at him with their sad eyes.
Post OotP PG

Now What? 
The mental musings of one Sirius Black, behind-the-veil!Fic.
Post OotP PG

Let Me Be Home
You can reunite forces against a common enemy, but what happens when it’s just the two of you again?
 Post Azkaban, pre Goblet of Fire. PG-13

Foolish Games
The rain makes you remember things. It makes Remus remember everything.
 Song Fic. Up to Goblet of Fire PG

Remember Me This Way
Sometimes, only sometimes, you get the chance to say it all after. Sometimes, you hear it all after.
 Song Fic. Between GoF and HBP PG

Best Friends
How do you handle being the last one?
Remus Song Fic. 1981. PG

Remus waits...
(Holiday Fic Gift #7 for Katie)
Post OotP PG-13

Those Quiet Moments
It's in those quiet moments that the most is said.
Ootp PG

For a split second, Remus could see his future.
Ootp PG

Faith of the Sky
Sometimes love is the right thing to do. (Tonks)



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I put it off...skipped University assignments...ignored everyone when they gushed about them...I swore I would never read them! Then, my friends made me watch Prisoner of Azkaban and I fell in love with the tragic Remus/Sirius story. I started reading the fanfiction, and my addiction got worse. I was hooked.

And that, as they say, is that.

And here you are. Enjoy!


The Gift of Drabbles
A group of one shot drabbles for the friends on my Live Journal Friends List.
Remus/Sirius and Marauders. G

It's Magic
A drabble: Brought to you with the power and message of Pride.
Harry/Draco. G


Fiction inspired by the last book.

Where King's Cross 
It became their tradition to see them off.
Lily/James, Remus/Sirius PG

All's Fair
She had to say it.
Tonks/Remus/Sirius G

Of Light and Dark
Lily dabbles in dark things.
Lily/Severus PG-13

Letter Series:
Life can be written out in words, and filled up with paper.

A Little Strange - A letter from Luna G
Mum Says - A letter from Dudley G
Over the Holidays - A letter from McGonagall G
That Love You -
A letter from Remus G
The Words Between -
A letter from George G
The Time Apart
- A letter from Hermione and Ron G
No Attempt to Defend
- A letter from Narcissa Malfoy G
Since You Were Sent Away
- A letter from Draco G